Page 6 - Metal-Matters-issue-11
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MCRMA Presents...                                                                                                      The Architectural Award

            For the second year running, MCRMA presented       in structural, environmental, thermal, service                      Carlton Jones, director of MCRMA, commented        MCRMA established the Clifford Dyer Memorial
            the Clifford Dyer Memorial Award to a team of Year   distribution, material strategies and inhabited space.            “The judging panel spent some considerable time    Award to commemorate the life and work of
            4 students from the School of Architecture, the                                                                        looking over the entries. We felt that the nursery   Clifford Dyer who died in 2012. Clifford Dyer was
            University of Liverpool at the 2014 Degree Show.   The project involved the development of a nursery                   and convention centre provided a workable solution   the founder and director of MCRMA which brings
                                                               and innovation centre on a site in Liverpool city                   which offered a visually exciting and stimulating   together the UK’s leading roofing and cladding
            The award was presented to William Negus, Myles    centre. As part of the development the students                     environment and a building which fitted in well with   systems providers supplying built up systems,
            Reece and George Richardson who, in the opinion    proposed panels of anodised aluminium to reflect                    the surroundings. The entry also demonstrated      insulated panels, rainscreens, drainage systems and
            of the judges, were able to demonstrate the best   the leafy surroundings of the nursery and to act as                 an understanding of the detail associated with the   structural deck systems.
            response to the architectural and environmental    a hall of mirrors for playing children. In addition, the            method of construction”.
            needs of the building envelope using metal and     nursery features a sedum green roof which includes                                                                     The award has been created in association with the
            showing how their chosen design concept could be   a rolled aluminium parapet cap and rigid insulation.                                                                   School of Architecture at the University of Liverpool
            translated into built form that is, show competency                                                                                                                       in recognition of Clifford Dyer’s contribution to the
                                                                                                                                                                                      metal cladding industry.

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