Page 11 - Metal-Matters-issue-11
P. 11

New generation warehouse makes waves...

 ‘Quantum’ curved built-up metal roof and PRIME V   Rooflights were installed over the apex of the roof   Leaks on the project have been avoided by the   Neville Campbell of Michael Sparks Associates, added:
 cladding from CA Group Limited have been installed   to distribute a more balanced distribution of natural   elimination of through fixings, the biggest cause   “In our opinion the successful end result is due to
 at the Blackburn Trading Estate in Heathrow as part   daylight, reducing internal shadows and lighting costs,   of water ingress in a building of this type. Issues   the performance, attention to detail and installation
 of development work for Canmore Developments,   together with the associated CO  emissions. The   associated with gutter design have also been   of the system by all involved in the development.
 creating a more aesthetically pleasing structure.   reduced height of ‘Quantum’ lowers the internal air   addressed with the requisite thickness of 1.2mm being   Michael Sparks Associates and CA Group have
 volume and the operational costs associated with the   applied to both the steel and membrane coating,   worked together for many years with many hundreds
 The scheme, which encompasses a number of   heating and chilling of a large structure. The building   minimising any damage caused by foot traffic. The   of thousands of metres of cladding installed, with very
 combined warehouse and office blocks, was delivered   also achieved a high level of air tightness with an air-  final roof assembly has been categorised as Class   few problems. Early design discussions between the
 together with Winvic Construction and features a   permeability rating of 1.75m .h.m  @ 50 Pa.  B (non-fragile) in accordance with the HSE Advisory   two of us have been essential in the production of
 combination of ‘Quantum’, CA Group’s curved built-  Committee for Roofwork (ACR)    successful, high quality and aesthetically
 up metal roof, and PRIME V, a product from the   The cladding featured on the office walls was chosen   guidance documentation.  pleasing buildings.”
 company’s rainscreen portfolio.   from the PRIME portfolio, developed by CA Building
 Products. Johnson explained: “PRIME represents the
 David Johnson, project development engineer for CA   unification of CA’s rainscreen offer. We have taken
 Building Products, commented: “The developer had a   our extensive know-how in this area and developed a
 clear vision for this scheme from the outset. We were   suite of products suitable for a range of applications.
 tasked with delivering a look and feel which was far   The systems have been fully tested by the Centre for
 removed from the conventional warehouse, creating   Window and Cladding Technology and are backed by
 instead an aesthetically pleasing structure more readily   meaningful guarantees.”
 associated with the office side of the build.
 The issue of end of life disposal costs, associated with
 “We worked closely with the architects, Michael   some blown foam insulations on the market, has been
 Sparks Associates, and other team members   avoided through the use of fibre insulation throughout
 to develop a solution which not only exceeded   the building. The use of fibre insulation also ensures
 expectations, from an aesthetic perspective, but also   that, in the event of a fire, the building itself does not
 incorporated a number of sustainable features which   add to the fire load and toxic smoke emissions are also
 will reduce the building’s running costs, as well as    dramatically reduced.
 its emissions.”

 According to Johnson, many of the cost saving
 features on the project were achieved through the
 introduction of CA Group’s ‘Quantum’ curved roof,
 which has a proven track record among planning
 teams and local residents due to its reduced height
 and streamlined form. This reduced height translates
 into a reduction in internal air volume and the
 operational costs associated with the heating and
 chilling of large structures.

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