Page 13 - Metal-Matters-issue-11
P. 13

A cheerier exterior

 Knauf Insulation’s ThermoShell® External Wall   “Although we were ineligible for the Energy   Johan Van Zyl, regional operations manager at Mitie,   the longevity of the building but also providing the
 Insulation (EWI) rock system has helped to transform   Companies Obligation (ECO) funding having already   the main contractor for the programme, said: “Due   opportunity to enhance and upgrade the appearance
 four residential blocks at Peregrine Road in   received support under the Carbon Emissions   to the concrete beam construction, the buildings   of the building.
 Spelthorne, Surrey, as part of a £1.7 million scheme   Reduction Target (CERT) scheme, we still chose to   were facing problems of cold bridging causing damp
 undertaken by housing association, A2 Dominion.   install EWI to the residential blocks as it offered a   spots. Finding a solution to the cold bridging was a   Johan continued: “As we had never used Knauf
 The EWI system has improved not only the energy   range of attractive solutions, including the energy   starting point of the project and originally we thought   Insulation’s ThermoShell EWI system before, we sent
 efficiency of the 34 homes; it has also saved money   performance of the system and the ability to upgrade   of installing an Internal Wall Insulation (IWI) system.   our team to its training centre in Cheltenham to learn
 on the residents’ energy bills and enhanced the   the aesthetics of a property.”  However, after meetings with A2 Dominion we came   how to install the products and to learn about the
 appearance of the area.  to the conclusion that the building itself needed a   theory behind it. The training offered our colleagues
 Knauf Insulation’s ThermoShell EWI system using   facelift and so we decided that an EWI system would   confidence in both the product and their own ability to
 Laura Donovan, project manager at A2 Dominion   rock mineral wool insulation was installed to the four   be a better option. We therefore opted to install Knauf   undertake the project.
 commented: “Over the past few years we have   residential blocks and rendered using a combination   Insulation’s ThermoShell system and we already had an
 decided to embrace the challenge of improving   of colours: blue and white – which were chosen   existing relationship with the company.”   The innovative system has also achieved a British
 the energy efficiency of our housing stock and so   by the residents from an engagement programme   Board of Agrément (BBA) certificate, which provides
 we chose to tackle our properties in Spelthorne.   organised by A2 Dominion at the beginning    The ThermoShell EWI rock system is a cost effective   contractors and specifiers with peace of mind that the
 Throughout the project we had a working partnership   of the project.   solid wall insulation solution, designed for the lifetime   system is under full guarantee and warranty.
 between the residents, suppliers and contractors.   of a property. The system shields the existing exterior
 This ultimately made the renovation process easier   façade, whether brick, stonework, concrete or clay
 for everyone working on site and those living    blockwork, from the effects of weathering – extending
 in the homes.

 Before     After

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