Page 18 - Metal-Matters-issue-11
P. 18

Sounds perfect at the SSE Hydro

            Kalzip’s aluminium standing seam system with a      Kalzip manufactured the tapered sheets on site for                 The SSE Hydro’s bowl-shaped central structure rises   As well as hosting around 140 events attracting an
            weighted Sound Reduction Index (SRI) figure of 53   reasons of speed, economy and efficiency - this                    majestically from its surrounding lower plinth area   audience of one million people each year, The SSE
            decibels was specified by Foster + Partners for the   involved a two phase mobile production process                   which houses the entrances, concourse and accesses   Hydro is the largest purpose-built concert venue in the
            125 metre span roof of The SSE Hydro in Glasgow.    within a tightly confined area of the site. Kalzip                 to the main auditorium. The façade of the main bowl   UK and will host the 20th annual MTV Europe Music
            This impressive, imaginatively designed and flexible   aluminium coils were precision cut into appropriately           is wrapped in a continuous translucent envelope of   Awards in November 2014.
            13,000 capacity live entertainment venue was built   wedge-shaped flat sheets of the required length and               pneumatic ETFE cushions which enables natural
            for the Scottish Exhibition Centre Ltd by Lend Lease   then roll-formed into tapered standing seam sheets              daylight in to illuminate the foyers during the day and
            and the shallow domed Kalzip roof was installed by   before being craned up to roof level in challenging,              allows the building to ‘glow’ from inside at night.
            Martifer UK.                                        blustery conditions when required for installation.

            Elliptical on plan and angled in profile, The SSE   With a wealth of experience in the technical design,
            Hydro’s domed roof comprises over 12,750            manufacture and application of standing seam
            square metres of naturally curved tapered Kalzip    roofing, Kalzip was able to assure Foster + Partners
            sheets in lengths of up to 25 metres installed in six   about the company’s ability to deal with the detailed
            concentric, almost circular bands. The facade of this   geometry required to produce The SSE Hydro’s roof.
            amphitheatre-inspired building is 15 metres high at   Kalzip also went to great lengths to demonstrate their
            the rear rising to 33 metres at the south-facing front   ability to achieve the stringent acoustic performance
            elevation with the central apex of the roof being 45   criteria needed for the roof through a series of
            metres above ground level.                          rigorous pre-testing processes.

            The tapered Kalzip sheet-ends were welded to their   To meet the performance criteria specified by Foster
            counterparts on the adjoining roof bands as part of   + Partners, the resulting multi-layer acoustic Kalzip
            the installation process and any exposed raised seam   roof build-up achieves a U-value of 0.20 W/m²K, a
            ends carefully sealed to ensure the roof’s integrity.   weighted Sound Reduction Index of 53 decibels and
            The roof sheets were affixed to a Kalzip structural   a sound absorption performance of Class A.
            deck system supported on a diagonally latticed steel
            framework and the decking sheets pre-coated black   The specified build-up includes a trough and web
            on the underside to improve the experience within the   perforated structural deck with acoustic lags to the
            auditorium.                                         troughs of the deck profile, an acoustic membrane
                                                                sandwiched between layers of acoustic boards and a
            In order to achieve the roof’s aesthetic symmetry   layer of high density rockfibre insulation topped with a
            and maintain the continuity of the standing seam    layer of Kalzip Plus 37 quilt insulation.
            sightlines, complex geometric calculations were
            undertaken by Kalzip to ensure the roof sheets were   Located on the north bank of the river Clyde, The
            manufactured to the correct length and taper and    SSE Hydro sits next to the Scottish Exhibition &
            the 25,000 Kalzip thermally broken halter clips were   Conference Centre and Kalzip-clad Clyde Auditorium
            individually set-out with precision accuracy.       (Armadillo) which was also designed by Foster +
                                                                Partners and opened to much acclaim in 1997.

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