Page 4 - Metal-Matters-issue-11
P. 4

The case for metal roofs

            Metal roofing systems contribute significantly to   Both steel and aluminium can be reused or recycled                 Sheet metal systems coated with highly reflective   Environmental challenges to reduce our carbon
            the sustainable design concept thanks to their high   repeatedly without losing their qualities as a building          surfaces and designed with insulation and ventilation   footprint have resulted in the need for integrated triple
            recycled content, energy efficiency, low maintenance,   material. The recovery infrastructure for metal                can provide considerable cost savings for heating and   skin rooflights and the requirement to specify highly
            durability and recyclability which have all helped to   recycling is highly developed and highly efficient, and        cooling. Innovative cool roof coatings are now available   thermal efficient insulation.  These elements together
            establish metal as the material of choice for both new   has been in place for decades. Current recovery               which have moderate to highly reflective surfaces over   with the internal and external skin of the cladding must
            and refurbishment roof construction.               rates from demolition sites in the UK are 99 per cent               a range of colours and some engineered coatings can   be designed as an integrated assembly to achieve
                                                               for structural steelwork and 94 per cent for all metal              increase the emissivity of the metal roof surface to   the thermal requirements as set out in the Building
            Steel and aluminium offer a better life cycle return   construction products – figures that far exceed those           allow solar energy and heat to dissipate quickly.   Regulations.  The design must also recognise the need
            on investment than other materials. Today’s metal   for any other construction material.                                                                                 for thermal isolation between the inner and outer skins
            construction products are protected by highly                                                                          Metal roofing has been used successfully for many   plus thermal continuity at junctions and intersections.
            durable paints and coatings that ensure a service life   When metal is specified for a building, it is unlikely to     years on industrial and commercial buildings but
            in excess of 40 years. Steel construction is efficient   become waste. Steel and aluminium always have a               the demands put on it by modern architecture and   The design phase calculations for thermal performance
            and competitive; buildings can be rapidly constructed   value and are only ever sent to landfill as a last resort.     sustainability requirements have set new challenges.   using the National Calculation Methodology which
            using steel-based primary and secondary            Waste generation is one of the least sustainable                    The roof profile, whether it is made from steel or   uses the SBEM software provides the designer with
            components that are efficiently manufactured off-  aspects of construction. Choosing a metal-framed                    aluminium, not only has to provide a weatherproof   an opportunity to accept general psi and alpha values
            site and therefore are dimensionally accurate and of   building is the simplest and most effective way                 skin but it also has to provide structural strength to   for the construction detail or enhanced values which
            known quality.                                     to reduce waste. Even during manufacture and                        accommodate imposed and service loads throughout   are system specific. These system specific values
                                                               fabrication, any swarf or offcuts are recovered and                 the construction phase and operational phase.     are available from the individual profiler or system
            Steel framing and metal cladding systems provide the   recycled back through the primary                               Increasingly it has to serve as a working platform   supplier but the on-site construction must reflect the
            scope, in association with other materials, to design   production process.                                            or access way for maintenance of photovoltaic (PV)   design assumptions. Design detailing is also important
            buildings with low overall environmental impacts.                                                                      arrays. The aesthetic service life of the profiled metal   to minimise air permeability at junctions between
            Steel-based construction systems provide flexible   Metal has much to offer in the areas of green                      sheeting has also got to be considered at the design   elevations and intersection with other materials or
            spaces which have the potential to be easily modified   technology and sustainability and MCRMA members                phase because it can have a strategic effect on   systems. This should form part of the overall design
            and adapted so that the life of the building can be   are at the forefront of developing innovative solutions          the in-service life of the system and the long term   philosophy and should not be subject to compromise
            extended by accommodating changes in use, layout   for example, green roofing systems that can improve                 sustainable solutions.                            at the design, installation or commissioning phase.
            and size.                                          the thermal performance of a building by providing
                                                               protection against heat loss in the winter and heat
                                                               gain in the summer.

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