Page 6 - MCRMA Metal Matters Oct 2022
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Cavity Barriers and Fire Stopping                                                                                                                                     Explore the

            by Chris Hall, external affairs director, Siderise Insulation Limited                                                                                                 Knowledge Base

            Most modern buildings contain a multitude of        By their function, ventilated rainscreen systems                   Horizontal open state cavity barriers
            concealed cavities and voids within or passing      create a concealed space (cavity) that can, in the                 are delivered to site pre-cut to
            through walls, floors, ceilings and roofs.          event of a fire, provide a route for the passage for               size to suit the width of the cavity
            Effective fire stopping and cavity barriers are     flames, hot gases, and smoke to move, unseen,                      less the air gap size. They have an            MCRMA has produced four CPDs based on its
            essential elements of fire protection to restrict   between separate compartments of a building.                       intumescent front face which allows            guidance document GD39 Sustainability and durability
            the spread of smoke or flames, and to maintain      The accepted method of inhibiting the fire spread                  an air gap to be maintained (when in           of metal roofing and cladding systems.
            compartmentation.                                                                                                      the open state) to facilitate airflow for
                                                                within such a concealed cavity is the use of cavity
            The Metal Cladding and Roofing Manufacturers        barriers. These will be positioned on the line of                  ventilation.                                   ▶  The introduction and overview CPD looks at how
                                                                                                                                                                                     metal roofing and cladding systems and their
            Association (MCRMA) has published a guidance        any compartment wall or floor so that they sub-                    Open state cavity barriers are                    associated components can significantly contribute
            document, supported by an online CPD module,        divide the building both horizontally and vertically               supplied with a continuously factory              to achieving a sustainable building envelope
            titled GD36 Cavity barriers for ventilated rainscreen   into specific compartments in line with Building               bonded reactive intumescent strip                 solution to meet both current and future needs and
            facades which considers the key questions           Regulations, the fire strategy plan for the building,              on the leading edge and will normally             requirements. and systems.
            about cavity barriers and offers guidance for their   or specific requirements of warranty providers                   come with a weather resistant
            correct specification. The document explains the    or insurers. Cavity barriers will also close off                   coating. An intumescent strip is a             ▶  Durability of metal roofing and cladding systems
            difference between a fire stop and a cavity barrier;   penetrations through the façade such as windows,                material that is designed to activate             - the aim of current UK government policy is to
            the types of cavity barriers used in ventilated     doors, and openings.                                               at a critical temperature and expand              achieve net zero by 2050 and one way that can
            rainscreen facades and examines the regulations     It must be noted that the minimum requirements                     to close off the purposely designed               assist in this is through having buildings built
            that apply to the different countries of the for the   for the performance of cavity barriers can vary                 air gap to slow the fire propagating              for durability with long design lives and utilising
            various parts of the UK.                                                                                               for a specified length of time,                   materials, products and systems to construct them
                                                                depending on which part of the UK they are
            The role of fire stops and cavity barriers in building   being used. In addition to the guidance set out by            normally 30, 60, 90, or 120 minutes,              that can match the desired design life. This CPD
                                                                                                                                                                                     examines how Life Cycle Costing can be used to
                                                                                                                                   depending on the specified product’s
            construction is often confused. For fire stopping,   the various country-specific technical guidance                   integrity and insulation performance.             consider all relevant costs to ensure value for money
            Approved Document B defines a fire stop as “a seal   documents, warranty providers will have additional                                                                  over the life of a building.
            provided to close an imperfection of fit or design   requirements regarding the performance and                        MCRMA member companies provide
            tolerance between elements or components, to        placement of the cavity barriers. However, it is                   a wide range of building envelope              ▶  Metals: steel and aluminium. This CPD looks in
            restrict the spread of fire and smoke.”             accepted that fire stopping products should meet                   solutions for metal-based roofing and             detail at the two most common metals used for
                                                                the same requirements of resistance as the adjacent                cladding products and services, and               manufacturing profiled roofing and cladding sheets
            Fire stopping needs to attain the same fire                                                                                                                              and how they and their associated components can
            resistance performance as the structural            compartment elements, wherever practicable.                        they can advise on the suitability and            significantly contribute to achieving a sustainable
            elements and seal the junction of compartment       There are two types of cavity barriers which are                   performance of materials, systems,                building envelope solution to meet both current
            walls and floors to maintain the integrity of the   typically used in ventilated rainscreen facades:                   and assemblies.                                   and future needs and requirements, thanks to their
            compartment. Fire stopping also seals around        vertical closed state cavity barriers and horizontal               Both the CPD and guidance                         low maintenance, durability, high recycled content,
            penetrations and services and is fundamental to     open state cavity barriers.                                        document are available at                         recyclability and energy efficiency.
                                                                Vertical closed state cavity barriers are cavity
            Cavity barriers are defined in Approved Document    barriers that fully fill the void from the outer                                                                  ▶  Components. This CPD looks at the total
                                                                                                                                                                                     sustainable building design solutions which are
            B as “a construction within a concealed cavity      surface of the inner leaf to the inner surface of                                                                    available thanks to a range of complementary
            other than a smoke curtain, to perform either       the outer leaf. They are typically used to provide                                                                   components and systems including sustainable
            of the following functions: to close a cavity to    vertical compartmentation of the external facade                                                                     high performance thermal and acoustic insulation
            stop smoke or flame entering or to restrict the     cavity in a ventilated rainscreen and are installed                Image showing the horizontal open state           products; high durability fixings, fillers, sealants
                                                                                                                                   cavity barrier installed tight to the backing
            movement of smoke or flame within a cavity.         prior to the installation of a horizontal open state               wall prior to the thermal insulation with the     and membranes; daylight options, flexible solar PV
                                                                cavity barrier.                                                    horizontal open state set back to allow for
                                                                                                                                   ventilation of the cavity.                        options and fastening systems; and ‘green’ and
                                                                                                                                                                                     ‘brown’ roof options.
                                              Image showing                                        Image showing
                                              closed state                                         the vertical                                                                   The modules represent
                                              vertical cavity                                      closed state                                                                   an anticipated 60 - 120
                                              barriers on                                          cavity barrier
                                              the jamb of an                                       extending to                                                                   minutes of professional
                                              opening and                                          the full width of                                                              development, and
                                              horizontal open                                      the  cavity with                                                               following successful
                                              state on the                                         the horizontal
                                              head and cill.                                       open state set                                                                 completion of the CPD,
                                                                                                   back  to allow                                                                 a certificate is available
                                                                                                   for ventilation                                                                for immediate download.
                                                                                                   of the cavity.
                                                                                                                                                                                  All modules have been
                                                                                                                                                                                  accredited by the CPD
                                                                                                                                                                                  Certification Service.

                                                                                                                                                                                  More information about the online CPD courses is
                                                                                                                                                                                  available at

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