Page 10 - MCRMA Metal Matters Oct 2022
P. 10

THE                                                        Systems manufacturers

                                                                      A Steadman & Son
           COMPLETE                                                   Architectural Profiles Limited
                                                                      BTS Facades & Fabrications Ltd
                                                                      Euroclad Group Ltd
           SUPPLY                                                     Firth Steels Limited

                                                                      Kalzip Limited
           CHAIN                                                      Component manufacturers

                                                                      A. Proctor Group Ltd
                                                                      EJOT UK Limited
                                                                      Filon Products Limited
                                                                      Fixing Point Limited
           MCRMA members provide the complete supply                  HS Butyl Limited
           chain for sustainable metal-clad building solutions        Knauf Insulation Limited
           in the industrial and commercial sectors.
                                                                      Latchways plc
                                                                      Premier Sealant Systems Limited
           Membership currently                                       Oakham Metal Products Ltd
           comprises six categories:                                  Rockwool Limited
                                                                      SFS Group Fastening Technology Limited
           •   Systems manufacturers who produce                      Siderise Insulation Limited
               profiled or formed metal roof and wall                 Speira UK Limited
               cladding and manufacturers of rainscreen
               cladding systems and panels.                           Systems installers

           •   Component manufacturers who produce                    KR Cladding Systems Ltd
               the ancillary components that are used to
               complete the building envelope.                        Independent inspectors
                                                                      Academy Consultancy and Design Limited
           •   Stockholders who supply steel and
               aluminium in a range of grades/alloys,                 A P Williamson Consultants Limited
               shapes and sizes to all involved in the metal          AWM Surveyors Ltd
               building envelope. In addition, all involved           Barry Jackson Associates
               in the stockholding of profiled metal roofing          Capital Property & Construction
               and cladding sheets, flashings, fabricated             Consultants Ltd
               sections and accessories for subsequent
               installation within the metal building envelope.       Charnwood Roofing Associates
                                                                      CNB Consultants Limited
           •   System installers who take an active part              Commercial Property Surveys Ltd
               in the construction and installation process           Michael Kilbey Associates Limited
               and deliver quality workmanship.                       RJC UK Ltd

           •   Independent roofing and cladding inspectors            RSK, Building Sciences Division
               who can provide guidance at the design                 Under One Roofing Consultants Ltd
               and installation stages and the operational
               phase. A list of inspectors is available to            Industry support servics
               download from the menu opposite.
           •   Industry support services members whose                CY Associates
               members provide a range of professional                DHLowe Ltd
               services to all involved in the metal building         Gallagher
               envelope industry.                                     Mark Fenton Design Services Ltd

                                                                      NH Business Gateway
                                                                      Ramage Young

           Visit to find out more about               Roofconsult
           the MCRMA and its members.                                 UL Telford UK Ltd
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