Page 5 - MCRMA Metal Matters Oct 2022
P. 5

Euroclad Systems Provide the   Innovation in

 Ideal Eco-Friendly Solution  Birmingham

 Silverstone Park in Northamptonshire is a   with a finished roof pitch and a Class B non-  Architectural Profiles has provided the complete   The £8.5 million centre includes the creation
 global engineering and technology park offering   fragile, walkable liner. It offers good acoustic   roofing and cladding solution to the new   of offices for academics and industry partners,
 a unique industrial space for innovative and   performance, making it ideal for industrial   Birmingham Energy Innovation Centre (BEIC),   allowing them to collaborate on renewable
 high-tech businesses. Located opposite the   buildings and warehouses. For this scheme, it   part of the University of Birmingham based at   energy, alternative fuels and recycling research.
 Silverstone Grand Prix Circuit, it aspires to   was specified to achieve a U Value of 0.15 Wm k.   Tyseley Energy Park in east Birmingham.  Supporting the university’s long term commitment
 become the biggest tech hub in the UK, and it   For the walls, 7,377 square metres of the   The non-combustible construction meets the   to the Tyseley Energy Park. BEIC will promote
 is already attracting businesses from around the   Elite Plus 57 wall system was used in both   stringent acoustic and thermal performance   innovation in waste, energy and low carbon
 world with its first-class facilities and location.            vehicle systems across the west Midlands.
 ‘Anthracite Grey’ and ‘Metallic Silver’ to striking   requirements for the roof and walls and includes
 The park is currently being developed in phases   effect. This horizontal, sinusoidal system is   a perforated profile for the facade and project-  Architects Glancy Nicholls worked with the
 by owners MEPC. Phase 3 of Silverstone Park   a fast, sustainable and economical cladding   specific bespoke Fin panels for a feature area,   university and landlords Webster & Horsfall to
 saw work start on the park’s biggest buildings to   solution that can be guaranteed for up to 30   all using the APL Tritherm™ sub-grid. The roof   create an adaptable space, suitable to scaling up
 date, with the largest of the four new buildings   years. The system also delivered good acoustic   comprises built-up sinusoidal AP45HR-R and   projects to test experiments that were previously
 measuring 97,956 square feet.   performance and a U Value of 0.23 W/m k.  trapezoidal 31/1000RR cladding in pre-coated   confined within a small laboratory environment
            aluminium with PV mounting. For the walls, built-   on the Tyseley Energy Park.
 Euroclad worked with MEPC to deliver roof   To complement the roof and wall systems a   up sinusoidal AP18HR in pre-coated aluminium
 and wall systems for phase 3; the buildings in   full package of flashings including fabricated   and sinusoidal AP45HR in PPC aluminium was   The BEIC will focus particularly on hydrogen and
 Phase 3 needed good acoustic and thermal   corners, cappings and project specific bespoke   specified.  fuel cells, energy storage, magnet and battery
 performances to manage the greater sound and   features were supplied in three key colours   recycling and converting waste to fuels and
 environmental management challenges they   RAL7016, RAL9006 and RAL3020 meeting the   In addition, Architectural Profiles supplied built-  energy. Innovations developed at the Centre
 faced. Euroclad Elite roof and wall systems are   exacting design specification. Internal liner and   up sinusoidal AP45HR-Airwall™ perforated   will spin out into the city and region, as well as
 recyclable, making them the ideal eco-friendly   galvanised flashings were also supplied along   façade in PPC aluminium and window surrounds   national and international markets.
 solution, especially for a scheme of this size and   with colour matching gutters.   and feature band in APL Slimwall™ flat panels
 nature. The systems offer proven fire, thermal   Like all Euroclad products, the systems are   with bespoke Fin panels in anodised-look PPC.
 and acoustic performance.
 manufactured under a Quality Management
 The lightweight ‘Elite Plus 2’ roof system was   System accredited to ISO 9001 and an
 chosen in an ‘Anthracite Grey’ to cover 22,000   Environmental Management System accredited
 square metres of roof space, creating a sleek,   to ISO 14001, which is crucial for a forward-
 modern look in keeping with the park’s   thinking, environmentally aware client. The
 innovative ethos.   systems’ recyclability contributed to the ‘A’
 rated Energy Performance Certification
 With up to a 30-year system guarantee,
 Elite Plus 2 is a high-quality   achieved on these buildings.
 trapezoidal roofing system

 Client: MEPC plc
 Architect: SRA Architects
 Installer: ABS Elbrow
 Main Contractor:

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