Page 13 - Metal-Matters-issue-10
P. 13

The shape of things to come

 The new Marks and Spencer flagship store in   help protect the car park from the elements, trap   The consideration of the local environment as well   The need to make new buildings as energy efficient
 Cheshire Oaks is the greenest M&S store to date   particulates from car exhausts, give thermal and   as the wider environmental impact has relevant links   and environmentally sympathetic as possible, whilst
 using the latest innovations to reduce environmental   acoustic insulation and provide a natural habitat for   with the visual design and construction process; good   delivering impressive levels of form and visual impact is
 impact, including the Euroclad Elite 4.17 roof system.   birds and other wildlife.  The four living walls cover   community engagement was integral, given the close   increasing; driven at a base level by ever more stringent
 It is the third Sustainable Learning Store (SLS),   300 square metres in total and include 30 plant   proximity to neighbours and businesses.  The store   Building Regulations but also championed by the
 which is part of the retail giant’s commitment to   species, which are watered automatically through a   employs nearly 500 people with 400 new positions   ethical commitment of forward-looking companies such
 build a strong bank of knowledge and experience in   rain water harvesting system.  A steel mesh system   created and the pride that employees and the local   as Marks & Spencer that puts corporate and social
 sustainable building practices and embed successes   and ropes provide a suitable structure for plants to   community take in the impressive yet sympathetic   responsibility and the environmental impact of their
 into future specifications.  climb up and cover around 300 square metres.  design of the new building is an important aspect of   activities at the heart of what they do.
            the store’s success.  Cheshire Oaks represents the
 The store features an attractive timber structure   The roof is a Euroclad Elite 4.17 system for minimal   desire to create a positive store environment which not   Euroclad shares this ethos; working to BSI audited
 that is visible from inside the building and has been   environmental impact and impressive looks.  It   only improves sustainability but can improve the health   quality and environmental management systems
 carefully selected to reduce energy consumption   is comprised of 11,000 square metres of multi-  and well-being of staff, customers and the society in   and partnering closely with material suppliers to
 and environmental impact.  This is the first retail   waveform standing seam roof, glass wool insulation   which the company operates.  minimise the environmental impact of all products and
 construction using a roof structure made of FSC-  (which helps achieve the 0.17 U-value) and curved   processes.  Elite Systems maximise the use of recycled
 certified glulam timber (engineered softwood) and   liner sheet.  The aluminium roof reflects excess heat   This is the most carbon efficient, bio diverse and   materials and can help deliver a building envelope
 wall panels that are made from a lime based binder   and 100 per cent of the aluminium is from a recycled   materially innovative store which has engaged the   with outstanding thermal efficiency for a lower carbon
 and hemp, which deliver a U-value of 0.12W/m2K.    source. As well as providing a major visual element of   community at every step. The store has achieved   footprint.  ElitePlus systems offer a guarantee of 25
 Hemp absorbs CO2 from the atmosphere during   the design it also helps to achieve an outstanding air   a BREEAM excellent rating, an industry recognised   years with external material guarantees of up to 40
 growth, reducing the embodied carbon footprint,   tightness in the store of less than three (3 m3/hr/m2   environmental assessment of buildings.  Operational   years and there are proven routes for refurbishment,
 whilst the panels provide a more stable internal   @ 50 pascals).  The original specification for lamb’s   energy is predicted to be 30 per cent lower and carbon  recycling, reuse and removal at the end of the system’s
 temperature and lower energy use.  wool roof insulation was changed in order to achieve   35 per cent lower than a peer store.  Natural light has   useful life.
 higher BREEAM points and the insulation used   been maximised and 70 per cent of heating is provided
 The varied green wall system that has been installed   contains recycled post-consumer waste (bottle glass)   by biomass and heat reclaim from food refrigeration.
 on some areas not only looks attractive but will also   along with recycled glass wool.

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