Page 21 - Metal-Matters-issue-10
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Rolls Royce Blades To
Be Cast In Natural Light Fixing the face of Tesco
Based at the Advanced Manufacturing Park in The U value of the rooflights is calculated at 1.7W/ SFS intec has supplied a range of high performance “We took a holistic view of the building’s aesthetics,
Rotherham is the new Rolls Royce Advanced Blade m2k which indicates high levels of insulation and fastenings to securely and aesthetically fix the natural movement, performance and the relationships
Casting Facility. Currently under construction, the complies with European Standards. The liner panels rainscreen facade onto the newly built Tesco Extra between each component within the envelope to
facility is expected to produce its first blades in late meet the highest fire grade of SAA0, higher than the store in Woolwich, London. ensure that the products supplied would provide a
2014, with the capability of manufacturing 100,000 typical requirement for liner panels in a double skin striking and secure finish for years to come.”
aerospace blades per year when fully operational. assembly. The Archlight weather sheets are grade Standing at 17 storeys high, the development
SAA1. Robert Baines of Northern Cladding, who features approximately 7,000 square metres of Sitting securely behind the panel, the TU-S rivet
Designed by Bond Bryan Partnership in Sheffield, were contracted to the project by BAM Construction, cladding panels, designed to create an attractive and allows for natural expansion and contraction of the
the building features a 1,300 square metre metal commented, “The technical specification for the colourful finish. Using over 500,000 of SFS intec’s panels, ensuring that they remain securely in place
standing seam roofing system; Hambleside fire performance of the rooflights was a big driver fastenings and fixings, the zinc rainscreen panels and minimising the potential of panel deformation.
Danelaw’s triple skin barrel vaulted rooflights were for choosing Hambleside Danelaw’s product. As have been held in place using New Generation SX Similarly, the stainless steel SX fastener with EPDM
selected for the project as they are ideal for standing the structure of the roof was standing seam, the stainless steel fasteners to secure the rail bracket to washer ensures a secure, unrivalled pull-out
seam system roofs. the rail system; MDH and MIDsR insulation fastenings performance. The stronger fastener has up to 75
barrel vaulted rooflight option fitted perfectly. BAM
The triple skin rooflights are comprised of Lo Carbon Construction has said they are delighted with the for fixing the insulation through to concrete; and TU-S per cent improved pull-out resistance and offers a
genuine 25-year structural warranty.
rivets to enable an aesthetically superior blind fix of
StepSafe liner panels which are manufactured from result.” the high pressure laminate element of the rainscreen
high grade glass reinforced materials. This reduces Rolls Royce will benefit greatly from the installation cladding. The mixed-use development includes an 8,000
the amount of resin required in their production, of these rooflights as people respond better to square metre Tesco Extra store, seven additional
considerably improving their strength and reducing working in natural light conditions, benefitting their Nathan Atkins, buyer for Prater, contractor of design retail units, a car park, a police station and 259
the embodied carbon. The outer 2.165kg Archlight own performance. In addition, less dependency and installation services for the complete building apartments. The new build is expected to bring
weather sheets make up the curved layers, which are upon artificial light reduces energy consumption and envelope, commented: “This high-profile construction increased inward investment to Woolwich and new
placed on an upstand that curves to the roof. These costs, as well as impacting upon the building’s overall is part of a major scheme to regenerate Woolwich jobs.
100 metre long barrel vault rooflights have been carbon footprint. town centre, so it was important that the final
applied downslope from the ridge and continue down building looked impressive and welcoming to the
to the eaves. This minimises the number of metal/ general public. As such, it was vital that we sourced
translucent junctions and eliminates rooflight end laps a manufacturer whose products would facilitate an
to improve reliability and servicing. efficient installation of the facade, without issue or
concern for the building’s aesthetics.”
SFS intec’s TU-S rivets hide neatly behind the panel
and as they cannot be overdriven, there was no risk
of the panel dimpling.
Mick Steeples, key account manager (South East)
at SFS intec, commented: “Though only a small
element of the overall build, we carefully considered
the most suitable fastening solutions for the
installation of the rainscreen. The rivets used expand
radially, meaning that they do not place any pressure
on the front of the panel like more conventional screw
fasteners. Being hollow, the rivets allow moisture to
escape from the rear of the panel instead of through
the face which can cause unsightly dimples and
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